BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:67d2004ff3cf5 DTSTAMP:20250407T223000Z SUMMARY:Operation Cherry Blossom Surveillance Workshop DESCRIPTION:Springtime Espionage: A Surveillance Workshop with Eric O&rsquo\;Neill While others are scouting the best angles for their cherry blossom selfies and gushing over fluffy spring bunnies\, you&rsquo\;ll be on the hunt for a very different kind of Rabbit. Under the twilight glow of DC&rsquo\;s famous blossoms\, you&rsquo\;ll step into the world of surveillance with Spy Hunter Eric O&rsquo\;Neill\, the former FBI operative who helped take down the most damaging spy in U.S. history&mdash\;Robert Hanssen. Planted as Hanssen&rsquo\;s assistant\, O&rsquo\;Neill&rsquo\;s real mission was to spy on the spy. His expertise? Tracking targets without being seen. Now\, it&rsquo\;s your turn. Can you stay covert better than a certain Bunny? Will you keep your mark in sight while navigating the pink snowfall of peak cherry blossom season? This intense\, small-group surveillance workshop will take you through some of DC&rsquo\;s most scenic and shadowy corners. You&rsquo\;ll learn how to discreetly snap intel\, track without being tracked\, and sharpen your observation skills&mdash\;all while blending into the springtime crowd. And after the mission? A well-earned debrief over cocktails (or mocktails) to trade stories and assess your spycraft. Ready to test your tradecraft under the cover of cherry blossoms? Sign up&mdash\;before someone spots you first. General Tickets: $225 Member's Tickets: $175 Space is limited to only 16 participants &ndash\; advance registration is required! DTSTART:20250407T223000Z DTEND:20250408T013000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR